Symptoms of Dental Phobia are those features YOU experience and the impact of Dental Phobia on you.
BODY – all the effects of Adrenaline on the system. Acute anxiety and Panic Attack. Heart racing, tight chest and fast breathing, shaky.
- MIND – Catastrophic thoughts dominate your thinking. “It’s going to be awful” “I’m going to lose all my teeth” “I’m going to make a fool of myself” or even, “I’m going to die”
- SELF IMAGE – “What will others think of me?” “I’m the only one like this” “There can’t be anyone worse” “I must be weak, stupid, no will power” “No one understands“
- SOCIAL/FAMILY LIFE – Avoids close contact to hide oral condition. Fears re appearance/bad breath. Sleep disturbance.
- MEMORY: Flashbacks /Traumatic episodes
All leads to avoidance of the dental environment and consequences:
- Puts up with pain – sometimes for weeks.
- Self-medicates ; pain killers, antibiotics
- Change eating habits to avoid foods/pain e.g. Hard food, cold liquids or ice
- Attempts at good oral hygiene to ‘Keep the dentist away’.
If you identify with many or all of these symptoms of dental phobia then you live in fear of a dental disaster but you CAN be helped